Digital Transformation in Marriage Administration: Analysis of The Implementation of the ELSIMIL Application in Marriage Registration

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Indy Mafiiqo Syatta


This article aims to identify implementations, constraints, and technical challenges in using digital applications. Elektronik Siap Nikah dan Hamil (ELSIMIL) was created to provide convenience for every citizen in supporting stunting reduction policies. The government has been present to improve public administration through digital transformation so it is expected to be useful in improving public services. A juridical empirical approach with descriptive-analytical methods is used in this study through a case study at KUA Purworejo, Pasuruan. The data obtained is then analyzed to identify the usefulness of this application in public administration. The results showed that the implementation of ELSIMIL went well and was considered able to identify prospective brides who had health risks, the "ideal" and "risky" records were considered able to reduce the number of prospective brides who had health risks. This application is considered useful by all parties, even though people in rural areas still have obstacles in accessing this application. Applications that are considered by the community and the state to have benefits and justice are certainly inseparable from social, cultural, and technological conditions and situations. If compared with previous research, this study can be an important part of evaluating the use of digital applications in improving the quality of public services based on justice and welfare. The state needs to carry out massive, structured, and systematic socialization by improving internet technology infrastructure


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Syatta, I. M. (2024). Digital Transformation in Marriage Administration: Analysis of The Implementation of the ELSIMIL Application in Marriage Registration. International Journal of Law Dynamics Review, 2(1), 1-12.


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