Breaking Barriers: Women's Political Mobilization in Rural Village Head Elections
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This article describes the victory of female Village Head candidates in Village Head elections as a rare occurrence, mainly due to women's lack of access to leadership positions due to a solid patriarchal culture. However, once elected, women proved to have the competence to lead, demonstrating that women can be leaders at the village level. Cultural shifts, especially in Javanese culture, have allowed women to be involved in the public sphere, including in organizations such as Family Empowerment and Welfare (PKK), Dasawisma, and others. This study uses a qualitative approach and case study method to examine the victory of female Village Head candidates. Data was obtained through observation, dialog, and in-depth interviews. The results show that women can gather and mobilize political power from various sources to influence voters and dominate the dynamics of village democracy. Leadership habitus, symbolic domination, hegemony of social institutions, and kinship are the main instruments utilized by female Village Head candidates. They utilize leadership experience in kinship institutions and social kinship to win the Village Head election. Despite challenges such as cultural stigma and limited resources, these women demonstrated the ability to navigate and change the dynamics of rural democracy. This study contributes to an important discourse on women's democracy
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mochammad Rafi Pravidjayanto

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