The word limit for the submission is 4.500-6.000 words, one column format A4 paper. The manuscripts should contain: title; abstract; three to five keywords; introduction; method (for original research articles); analysis and discussion; conclusion; and bibliography (download the article template at the journal website).


Title is written in English 16 pt Times New Roman Bold and preferably not more than 12 words. Put author(s) name(s), e-mail, and affiliations under the title.


Abstract must be written in English. Times New Roman (12pt), italic font, is preferably between 150-250 words. The abstract should be clear, concise, and descriptive. This abstract should provide a brief introduction to the problem, objective of paper, followed by a statement regarding the methodology if the manuscript is taken from research report and a brief summary of results.


Keywords are arranged by alphabetically and should have at least three to five keywords separated by a Comma (,) and should refer to the title.


The introductory section describes the background of the research problem, literature facts, research gaps, and the purpose of writing. The problem must be clear and requires research to solve the problem. For Arabic writing or fragments of verses from the Qur'an, the Calibri font size is 12. Foreign language words or phrases are written in italics, while Arabic-Latin transliteration refers to Arabic-Indonesian transliteration according to the SKB 3 Menteri. The body of paper must be elaborated between 4.500 - 6.000 words (maximum) including abstract and references.

The literature review contains descriptions of theories, concepts, findings, and other research materials obtained from reference materials to be used as the basis for research activities. The description in the literature review is directed to develop a clear framework of thinking about solving the problems that have been described in the formulation of the problem.

The literature review shows a “knowledge map” related to the topic of study, provides theories and concepts that can sharpen the analysis and relies on reputable journal articles published no later than the last 10 years and cites articles on “giants”. The end of the literature review also identifies the logical reasons why this research is important..


This method is written in descriptive and should provide a statement regarding the methodology of the research, include the type of research, research approach, a source of data and analysis method. The author should explain the mechanism to analyze the sharia issues. This method as much as possible to give an idea to the reader through the method used, this method is optional, only for an original research article. (For Conceptual Ideas without Research Method)

Analysis and Discussion

The result is a description of the data obtained which is required from the research question. The results must answer the problems that have been raised in the research question. Research results must be clear and concise. Results should summarize scientific findings rather than simply convey detailed data. The discussion is the main part of the article that discusses and analyzes the results of the research using the main theory and other supporting theories, to find novelty from other studies.


Conclusions should be written briefly. Conclusions must include three elements, namely important research findings, contributions to science, and explanations of research limitations. Do not repeat abstracts or simply list research results. Give scientific consideration to your work and state possible applications and developments. You should suggest further research based on the results of your research.


This is used to appreciate the efforts of associate, who are not registered as co-authors, for their assistance and fund for your research/publication. Provide acknowledgements accordingly. List here those individuals or institutions who gaves help, assistance during the research (e.g., providing grants, laboratory facility, writing assistance or proof reading the article, etc.). In case of the grants, please provide the number and year of the grant received.

 Conflict of Interest

This section is a statement from the author that this article has a conflict of interest or not.


References of your manuscript must be up to date (in the last of 5 to 10 years and minimum of 30 references that 80% of the references is from primary sources/journal of international repute) and your reference can be accessed by anyone. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. All references should be cited within the text; otherwise, these references will be automatically removed.


Use of a tool such as Mendeley or Zotero for reference management and formatting, and choose American Phsicological Assosiation (APA) style 7th edition. For examples: (Irianto, 2006; Moore, 1973; Nader, 2002; Radcliffe-Brown, 1965; Rahardjo, 2010)

Irianto, S. (2006). Perempuan & hukum. Yayasan Obor Indonesia.

Moore, S. F. (1973). Law and Social Change: The Semi-Autonomous Social Field as an Appropriate Subject of Study. Law & Society Review, 7(4), 719.

Nader, L. (2002). The life of the law: Anthropological projects. University of California Press.

Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. (1965). Structure and function in primitive society: Essays and addresses (1. Free Press paperb. ed., [Nachdr.]). Free Press [u.a.].

Rahardjo, S. (2010). Penegakan hukum progresif. Penerbit Buku Kompas.


The figures should be clearly readable and at least have a resolution of 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch) for best printing quality.

Please Downloed Template.