Author Guidelines

The word limit for the submission is 6000-10000 words, one column format A4 paper. The manuscripts should contain: title; abstract; three to five keywords; introduction; method (for original research articles); analysis and discussion; conclusion; and bibliography (download the article template at the journal website).


Title is written in English 14 pt Times New Roman Bold and preferably not more than 12 words. Put author(s) name(s), e-mail, and affiliations under the title.


The abstract should be clear, concise, and descriptive. The abstract should provide a brief introduction to the problem, objectives of the article, followed by a statement regarding the method (if the manuscript originates from research report) and a brief summary of the results. Abstract is written in English. Font Times New Roman 11 pt and between 150 and 250 words.


Keywords are arranged by alphabetically and should have at least three to five keywords separated by a semicolon (;) and should refer to the title.


Introduction should be clear and provide the issue(s) discussed in the manuscript. At the end of the paragraph, the author(s) should end with comment or conclusion (if the manuscript originates from research report) on the identification of the issue(s) and the objective(s) of the research.


The method is written in descriptive and should provide a statement regarding the method of the research. This method is optional, and only for original research articles.

Analysis and Discussion

Sub-analysis and discussion contain the results of the analysis and discussion of the objective of the study.


Conclusion should clear, concise and answer the issue(s). Do not repeat the abstract or restate the experimental results. Furthermore, provide a clear scientific justification.


Reference is at the end of the manuscript. All publications cited should be included as a list of References, arranged alphabetically. Please use reference manager with Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (full note).


Citations are provided in the footnotes. Please use reference manager with Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (full note).


The figures should be clearly readable and at least have a resolution of 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch) for best printing quality.

Please Downloed Template.