Islamic Law and Ethics: The Role and Obligations of Marriage for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
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This article examines Islamic law and ethics used to analyze the position and ethics of a person with intellectual disabilities in marriage. They have equal rights to marry without discrimination or stigma. The library research method and normative descriptive approach are used in this research. This study uses data sources from classical and contemporary Islamic law and their ijtihad methods, then analyzed with ethics theory. The results show that Islamic scholars from various madhhabs express their opinions on the marriage of a person with intellectual disabilities and their legal responsibilities. Although the majority of madhhabs recognize that their marriages are valid, there is a question about their responsibilities after the marriage. This issue is addressed in some of the scholars' edicts; some of them allow marriage if there is sexual attraction. However, the question of how they can take responsibility and consent in the context of sexuality is still a subject of discussion. Studies show that a person's ability to be responsible is affected by their level of disability. This perspective addresses the impact of Islamic law and the daily lives of a person with intellectual disabilities, such as the possibility of guardianship or representation in decisions about marriage and sexuality. According to this study, the personal responsibilities and rights of persons with intellectual disabilities should be carefully considered. The contribution of this study is to mainstream the discourse of Islamic law and inclusive ethics so that persons with intellectual disabilities in the context of marriage get protection to guarantee their human dignity
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Copyright (c) 2024 Fahruddin Ali Sabri

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