Public Perception Regarding Paternity Leave Rights During Childbirth
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Paternity leave is important in realizing gender equality and family well-being. This article aims to analyze the public perception of the paternity leave policy and its implications in supporting the wife's childbirth process. A phenomenological and normative juridical approach was used in the preparation of this article, by selecting 6 (six) male informants living in the city of Surabaya, East Java. The results of the study show that the duration of 2-3 days of leave regulated in the laws and regulations in Indonesia is considered sufficient for accompanying the wife during childbirth and postpartum. Patriarchal cultural norms are considered the main cause of hindering co-parenting. The husband must be able to play an important and active role as part of the responsibility for the welfare and harmony of the family. Paternity leave stipulated by laws and regulations in Indonesia is expected to be able to provide space for fathers to learn and develop skills in parenting, to be able to foster a sense of responsibility. The state seeks to provide a transition impetus from a lack of fatherhood to one based on cultural recognition. Further research is needed to explore the effectiveness of these policies in a variety of social contexts
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Copyright (c) 2024 Adtiya Rahman, Mukhammad Nur Hadi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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