Accuracy of Religious Court Judgement Writing and The Validity of Witnesses in The Courtroom

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Andriyaldi Andriyaldi


This study aims to analyze the decision of the Pelaihari Religious Court's divorce suit Number 7XX/Pdt.G/20XX/PA.Plh, which focuses on the divorce suit filed by the wife against the husband. Qualitative research method with a normative juridical approach with primary data sourced from religious court documents, while secondary data sources come from some legal literature and previous research. The results of the study illustrate a procedural problem, namely a typographical error in the wording that contradicts the witness testimony and the consideration of the panel of judges, namely in the wording of sexual activity Qabla Dukhul and Ba'da Dukhul. Although it looks trivial and does not invalidate the Court's decision, however, this typographical error or human error typing or clerical error should not be left unchecked, because it is published on the internet media managed by a state institution, namely the Supreme Court, so it is necessary to build and utilize Artificial Intelligence systems in minimizing and avoiding administrative errors. This research also analyses the witness testimony that was accepted and considered by the judge about never engaging in sexual activity (Qabla Dukhul), the standard of witness validity must be considered by the panel of judges so that it does not need to be included in the court decision if it is not considered valid in its evidence. The contribution of this research is to improve procedural justice and judicial governance


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Andriyaldi, A. (2024). Accuracy of Religious Court Judgement Writing and The Validity of Witnesses in The Courtroom. International Journal of Law Dynamics Review, 2(2), 102-110.


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