Resilience and Family Harmony After The Mount Semeru Eruption Disaster

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Ahmadi Ahmadi
Umi Kulsum


This research is intended to examine the fate of a family in its efforts to establish harmony and resilience, especially in the Permanent Housing (Huntap) environment. Family is an important key in building a whole community life, including when facing disasters. The eruption of Mount Semeru which occurred on December 4, 2021, had a multidimensional effect on the affected communities, namely economic, socio-psychological, and social resilience. This study is juridical-empirical with data obtained from unstructured interview methods and participatory observation in Lumajang Regency (Kabupaten) East Java. The informants in this study were 8 (eleven) people who were from refugee families or who had been displaced and returned to their place of origin without a permanent job, who lost their jobs, were unemployed or were elderly. Data is collected through several stages, namely editing, classification, verification, analysis, and conclusion. The results of this study reveal that the economic function of the family is closely related to family consumption or expenditure which fulfills three main things: religion, economic support, and socialization. Family economic income to build the fulfillment of basic needs for the community. Another result involving the culture of the participants also provided an outlet to otherwise support social psychology exposure. Family resilience after a disaster can be strengthened by a recovery that is interwoven with guidance, guidance, humanity, and religious appreciation


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Ahmadi, A., & Kulsum, U. (2024). Resilience and Family Harmony After The Mount Semeru Eruption Disaster. International Journal of Law Dynamics Review, 2(2), 73-81.


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